・5〜7日前: ご予約料金の 20%
・3〜4日前: ご予約料金の 50%
・1〜2日前: ご予約料金の 70%
・当日 : ご予約料金の100%
・チェックイン 15:00〜18:00
レイトチェックイン 18:00〜20:00を希望される場合は事前にご連絡ください。(また20:00〜23:00になる場合は1000円のレイトチェックイン料金がかりますのでご注意ください。それ以降のチェックインは出来ません。) |
・チェックアウト 9:30〜11:00
アーリーチェックアウト 9:30より早い時間にチェックアウトをご希望される場合はチェックイン時にお知らせください。 |
レイトチェックアウト11:00〜13:00をご希望の場合は1時間あたり1000円のレイトチェックアウト料金が発生しますのでご注意ください。それ以降のチェックアウトには宿泊料金と同額の追加料金が発生しますのでご注意ください。 |
・Hotel OKUnoMAは消防署及び保健所の検査に合格した安全性の高いホテルです。
宿泊者が宿泊に関して法令の規定、当ホテルポリシー、公の秩序もしくは善良の風俗に反する行為をする恐れがあると認められるとき、又は同行為をしたと認められたとき。 |
宿泊者が暴力団又は暴力団員が事業活動を支配する法人その他の反社会的勢力に関わる者であると求められるとき。 |
宿泊者が他の宿泊者に著しい迷惑を及ぼしたり及ぼす言動をしたと認められたとき。 |
宿泊客が伝染病であると認められたとき。 |
天災等の不可抗力に起因する自由により宿泊が不可能になったとき。 |

You can make a reservation from our website. You can also make reservations from each company's Online travel agent.
You can pay by credit card and cash. You can also choose between payment at the time of reservation and local payment. Please note that in any case, cancellation fee will be charged according to our cancellation policy.
Please note that a cancellation fee will be charged as follows. ・5 to 7 days before: 20% of the reservation fee ・3 to 4 days before: 50% of the reservation fee ・1-2 days before: 70% of the reservation fee ・On the day: 100% of the reservation fee ・Without prior notice: 100% of the reservation fee |
In accordance with laws and regulations, guests must enter their name in the guest list at check-in. Be sure to enter the reservation name with the same name as your passport.
Based on the "Corona Infectious Diseases Control Declaration," we are working to alleviate congestion at check-in and check-out. Customers are kindly requested to inform us in advance of check-in times. And we would also appreciate if you could let us know the check-out time when you check in.
・Check-in time 15:00-18:00
If you wish to check in after 18:00, please contact us in advance. A late check-in fee of 1000 yen will be charged for late check-in from 20:00 to 23:00. You cannot check in after that. |
・Check-out time 9:30-11:00
If you wish to check-out earlier than 9:30, please let us know at check-in.For late check-out from 11:00 to 13:00, an additional charge of 1000 yen per hour is possible. Please note that subsequent check-outs will be charged the same amount as the room rate. |
・This system can be used with an appropriate credit card and e-mail address.
・We guarantee the damage caused to the customer if the customer suffers any damage during the stay and the damage is proved to be the responsibility of the hotel.
・We are a safe hotel that has passed the inspection of the fire department and the public health center.
・Children under 6 years old are not allowed due to structural reasons and adult relaxation. One child over the age of 7 will be charged the same rate as adults.
・The entire hotel is non-smoking. Also, to comply with the Fire Service Law, it is prohibited to use a fire extinguisher in all hotel rooms.
・The hotel does not have an elevator, so you will need to use the stairs to move to the room. Please understand in advance.
・The hotel has toilets, washrooms and shower rooms in the common use space, and is not installed in each private room. Toilets and washrooms are on each floor, shower rooms are on the second floor, and Bathroom with bathtub is on the fifth floor. In addition, there are washing machines and dryers on the 2nd floor and kitchens and refrigerators on the 2nd and 4th floors. Please use it freely.
・The hotel does not allow pets to enter.
・The hotel may refuse to stay in the following cases. Please note.
When it is recognized that there is a risk that the guest will act against the provisions of laws and regulations, our hotel policy, public order or good manners regarding accommodation, or when it is recognized that he / she has done the same. |
When a guest is found to be a gang or a corporation in which gang members control business activities, or persons involved in anti-social forces. |
When it is recognized that the guest has made a significant nuisance or behavior to another guest. |
When a guest is recognized as having an infectious disease. |
When it becomes impossible to accept a stay due to a cause of force majeure such as a natural disaster. |
・If the guest has caused damage to the equipment due to unusual usage, the hotel may ask the guest to compensate for the damage.
・The hotel is not liable for the loss of personal property such as money in the hotel. I would like self-management.