At the beginning of work, we measure body temperature, record the physical condition of the day on a health check sheet, and put the sheet in a place where everyone can see it to make health management visible.
We also strictly adhere to hand sanitization and mask wear when working.

In addition to regular guest room cleaning, the entire building will be cleaned using hypochlorous acid water and alcohol disinfectant solution. In particular, we will pay close attention to chairs and tables, furniture and fixtures, guest room door knobs, air conditioner remote controls, curtains, and tableware.
By installing disinfecting solutions in various places throughout the building, we will strive to create an environment in which customers can easily maintain hygiene.
Please be sure to disinfect your hands with the disinfectant solution that is always installed when you enter the bar or check in. Also, we will measure the temperature for all customers. In the unlikely event that you have a fever with a body temperature of 37.5 degrees or higher, you may not be allowed to stay according to the instructions of the public health center.

We will thoroughly ventilate the common toilet, bathroom, and washroom as well as the eating and drinking space and the accommodation room, and pay close attention to the replacement of air during heating and cooling.


By checking the check-in and check-out times in advance, we will try to avoid crowding with each other.At the bar, we will try to reduce the number of seats and make layouts so that no one else is facing each other. In addition, we will work to prevent splash infections by arranging plants etc. between the tables.
We will propose a "Okomori" service that you can bring food and drinks provided at the bar into each room.We will also make new proposals that we have never seen, such as guidance on nearby recommended stores that are taking corrective measures against corona infectious diseases, walking courses to enjoy nature such as the Sumida River, and guidance on running courses.